
Ash Heap Treasure Map 2

Fallout 76 Treasure Map Locations

The Treasure Maps in Fallout 76 tin be found everywhere, from supply drops to enemy corpses, but finding them is another story. Hither is a guide to ALL the locations of where you can find your precious treasures.

Wood Maps

Forest Map #1

Under the Bridge Southward of Point Pleasent

Fallout 76

Forest Map #2

Under a Cooking Spit South of the Sentry Belfry

Fallout 76

Woods Map #3

Under some Monkey Bars on the Border of the Ash Heap

Fallout 76

Wood Map #4

Abreast the plane at the Subcontract

Fallout 76

Forest Map #5

Due east of the Railroad train grand, beside a cleaved train caboose

Fallout 76

Forest Map #6

Merely north of the Overseers Military camp, beside the river

Fallout 76

Forest Map #vii

On the dorsum right side of the Giant Sign beside Widows Perch

Fallout 76

Forest Map #8

Trickier to observe, but follow the river outside Morgantown, ruby-red bridge in sight

Fallout 76

Woods Map #ix

Abreast a broken downward abode just outside of town

Fallout 76

Forest Map #10

Another catchy one, but on the LEFT side of the canyon, on a small ledge

Fallout 76

Ash Heap Maps

Ash Heap Map #1

Right next to the cabin and ruby-red jeep

Fallout 76

Ash Heap Map #2

Alongside the left side of the physical gateway

Fallout 76

Toxic Valley Maps

Toxic Valley Map #1

Over the small hill abreast the toxic h2o at the farm

Fallout 76

Toxic Valley Map #ii

Use the h2o belfry for guidance, as this one is just up on the hillside

Fallout 76

Toxic Valley Map #iii

On the modest island next to the beached sailboat

Fallout 76

Toxic Valley Map #4

S of the space station, upward on the cliffside

Fallout 76

The Fell Divide Maps

Savage Divide Map #one

Left side the large facility, on the outside of the fence

Fallout 76

Savage Divide Map #2

In the railroad train thousand, correct where the runway comes to a Five

Fallout 76

Vicious Carve up Map #three

Follow the ski lift down from the top, until yous observe this ledge, information technology's abreast a downed lift

Fallout 76

Cruel Divide Map #4

Outside the farm by the bridge, it's just on the shore of the pond

Fallout 76

Savage Dissever Map #5

Correct underneath the giant sign overlooking Whitesprings

Fallout 76

Savage Divide Map #vi

Slightly north of the palace, down the walking trail. Definitely use motion-picture show for reference

Fallout 76

Barbarous Divide Map #vii

Trickier to find, as it's down the cliff a fleck (NOT on the tiptop). Power armor is suggested to leap down

Fallout 76

Savage Divide Map #viii

Just above the Northward Camp ON the cliff (gotta spring up) by the motorcycle

Fallout 76

Savage Split up Map #9

Another tricky one. Just slightly southward of the cabin, downwards on a ledge side with a bunch of carrot flowers surrounding it

Fallout 76

Savage Split up Map #x

All the way up at the most northern scorch spawn, abreast the red trucks (y'all WILL have to fight to go this one)

Fallout 76

The Mire Maps

The Mire Map #1

Up at the cabin, beside the outhouse

Fallout 76

The Mire Map #2

At the very cease of the railway, beside the tunnel opening

Fallout 76

The Mire Map #3

Just south of the hotel, on the LEFT side of the bridge (have to run across it if you spawn at the hotel itself)

Fallout 76

The Mire Map #iv

Nether the span that's closest to the dam

Fallout 76

The Mire Map #5

Some other tricky one. West of the span virtually the power plant, randomly in an open patch of dirt

Fallout 76

Cranberry Bog Maps

Cranberry Bog Map #1

Some other "under span" map, just east of the Alliance guarded Span

Fallout 76

Cranberry Bog Map #2

Outside the Rangers military camp, in a trench under a bridge

Fallout 76

Cranberry Bog Map #3

Beside the pinkish wood, right underneath a large dead tree

Fallout 76

Cranberry Bog Map #four

North of the railway station, right at the bottom of the massive railway tower

Fallout 76

Ash Heap Treasure Map 2,


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