Ash Heap Treasure Map 2
Fallout 76 Treasure Map Locations
The Treasure Maps in Fallout 76 tin be found everywhere, from supply drops to enemy corpses, but finding them is another story. Hither is a guide to ALL the locations of where you can find your precious treasures.
Wood Maps
Forest Map #1
Under the Bridge Southward of Point Pleasent
Forest Map #2
Under a Cooking Spit South of the Sentry Belfry
Woods Map #3
Under some Monkey Bars on the Border of the Ash Heap
Wood Map #4
Abreast the plane at the Subcontract
Forest Map #5
Due east of the Railroad train grand, beside a cleaved train caboose
Forest Map #6
Merely north of the Overseers Military camp, beside the river
Forest Map #vii
On the dorsum right side of the Giant Sign beside Widows Perch
Forest Map #8
Trickier to observe, but follow the river outside Morgantown, ruby-red bridge in sight
Woods Map #ix
Abreast a broken downward abode just outside of town
Forest Map #10
Another catchy one, but on the LEFT side of the canyon, on a small ledge
Ash Heap Maps
Ash Heap Map #1
Right next to the cabin and ruby-red jeep
Ash Heap Map #2
Alongside the left side of the physical gateway
Toxic Valley Maps
Toxic Valley Map #1
Over the small hill abreast the toxic h2o at the farm
Toxic Valley Map #ii
Use the h2o belfry for guidance, as this one is just up on the hillside
Toxic Valley Map #iii
On the modest island next to the beached sailboat
Toxic Valley Map #4
S of the space station, upward on the cliffside
The Fell Divide Maps
Savage Divide Map #one
Left side the large facility, on the outside of the fence
Savage Divide Map #2
In the railroad train thousand, correct where the runway comes to a Five
Vicious Carve up Map #three
Follow the ski lift down from the top, until yous observe this ledge, information technology's abreast a downed lift
Cruel Divide Map #4
Outside the farm by the bridge, it's just on the shore of the pond
Savage Dissever Map #5
Correct underneath the giant sign overlooking Whitesprings
Savage Divide Map #vi
Slightly north of the palace, down the walking trail. Definitely use motion-picture show for reference
Barbarous Divide Map #vii
Trickier to find, as it's down the cliff a fleck (NOT on the tiptop). Power armor is suggested to leap down
Savage Divide Map #viii
Just above the Northward Camp ON the cliff (gotta spring up) by the motorcycle
Savage Split up Map #9
Another tricky one. Just slightly southward of the cabin, downwards on a ledge side with a bunch of carrot flowers surrounding it
Savage Split up Map #x
All the way up at the most northern scorch spawn, abreast the red trucks (y'all WILL have to fight to go this one)
The Mire Maps
The Mire Map #1
Up at the cabin, beside the outhouse
The Mire Map #2
At the very cease of the railway, beside the tunnel opening
The Mire Map #3
Just south of the hotel, on the LEFT side of the bridge (have to run across it if you spawn at the hotel itself)
The Mire Map #iv
Nether the span that's closest to the dam
The Mire Map #5
Some other tricky one. West of the span virtually the power plant, randomly in an open patch of dirt
Cranberry Bog Maps
Cranberry Bog Map #1
Some other "under span" map, just east of the Alliance guarded Span
Cranberry Bog Map #2
Outside the Rangers military camp, in a trench under a bridge
Cranberry Bog Map #3
Beside the pinkish wood, right underneath a large dead tree
Cranberry Bog Map #four
North of the railway station, right at the bottom of the massive railway tower
Ash Heap Treasure Map 2,
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