The Elder Scrolls Online Undaunted Guide

ESO Undaunted Skill Line Guide

Begin Earning Reputation At Anytime

For new players, dungeons begin to unlock at level 10.  Yous can begin Undaunted Pledges at level 45.  At level fifty, Veteran level dungeons can exist completed.  Even so, to get a jump start on your Undaunted Skill Line you need not look!  The Undaunted skill line can be increased to 10 by increasing your reputation.  Reputation can exist earned by completing daily pledges or completing Bolgrul'south quests.  Only first, you must Bring together the Undaunted.  Y'all tin can join the Undaunted by talking to a recruiter located in taverns in your faction's home base urban center at any time or by responding to a written invitation that you'll receive by postal service afterward y'all attain player level 45.

Who Are The Undaunted?

The Undaunted are a group of like-minded adventurers.  Each is eager for riches and glory.  Both dungeon delving and monster fighting are not for the faint of heart.  Merely they don't accept new members until they prove themselves.

To become a member of the Undaunted prior to level 45, you must visit your faction'south home urban center and talk to a recruiter.

  • Aldmeri Dominion (Yellow) visit Vukhel Guard, in the south of Auridon.
  • Daggerfall Covenant (Bluish) visit Daggerfall, in the southwestern surface area of Glenumbra.
  • Ebonheart Pact (Red) visit Davon'due south Sentinel, in northeastern Stonefalls
The Salted Wings Tavern Location
Vulkhel Guard - Salted Wings Tavern Location

Aldmeri Dominion Volition Meet Turuk Redclaws

Turuk Redclaws is a recruiter for the Undaunted found at the Salted Wings Tavern in Vulkhel Guard.  Vulkhel Guard is located in Auridon and will be accessible to those who are in the Aldmeri Dominion faction.  After speaking with him, you volition be assigned the quest '1 Of The Undaunted' that will require you lot to enter into The Banished Cells which he marks on your map.  You practice not need to actually complete this dungeon so you can do this task solo.  Return to Turuk and you'll receive a warm welcome into the Undaunted community.

Rosy Lion Tavern Location
Daggerfall - The Rosy Lion Tavern Location

Daggerfall Covenant Will Run into Mighty Mordra

Mighty Mordra is a recruiter for the Undaunted found at The Rosy King of beasts, a tavern in Daggerfall.  Daggerfall is located in Glenumbra and will be accessible to those who are in the Daggerfall Covenant faction.  After speaking with her, yous will exist assigned the quest 'One Of The Undaunted' that will require you lot to enter into Spindleclutch which she marks on your map.  You do not need to actually complete this dungeon so you lot tin can practise this task solo.  Return to Mordra and yous'll receive a warm welcome into the Undaunted community.

The Fish Stink Location
Davon's Watch - The Fish Stink Tavern Location

Ebonheart Pact Will Meet Kailstig The Axe

Kailsig The Axe is a recruiter for the Undaunted plant at The Fish Stink, a tavern in Davon's Lookout man.  Davon's Picket is located in Stonefalls and will be attainable to those who are in the Ebonheart Pact faction.  After speaking with him, you lot volition be assigned the quest 'One Of The Undaunted' that volition require you to enter into Fungal Grotto which he marks on your map.  You do not need to actually complete this dungeon then you lot tin can do this task solo.  Render to Kailsig and you'll receive a warm welcome into the Undaunted community.

Increase Your Reputation & Skill Line

Reputation is how the Undaunted skill line is 'leveled'.  You lot gain reputation by completing dungeon achievements, Undaunted Pledges, or by participating in Trials in Craglorn.  You tin also earn reputation by accepting quests from Bolgrul, who is located at each Undaunted Enclave in whatever Alliance capital.  Level x, equally with all the other guild skill lines, is the max level for the Undaunted.

Bolgrul Undaunted Quest Giver

How Does Beingness Undaunted Do good Me?

While the primary benefit of being Undaunted is the passives, there are too excellent skills found in the skill line.

Undaunted Skills

Blood Altar

Trapping Webs

Inner Fire

Bone Shield

Necrotic Orb

Undaunted Passives

Undaunted Commond

Undaunted Mettle

Undaunted Enclave Location Elden Root, Grahtwood
Undaunted Enclave

Elden Root, Grahtwood

Undaunted Enclave Location Mournhold, Deeshan
Undaunted Enclave

Mournhold, Deeshan

Undaunted Enclave Location Wayrest, Stormhaven
Undaunted Enclave

Wayrest, Stormhaven

Undaunted Pledges in Dungeons Earn Undaunted Keys

One time you reach level 45, y'all will receive an invitation in your inbox to visit the Undaunted Enclave in your faction's home city.  After speaking to three Pledge Masters, yous can then begin Undaunted Daily Pledges.  These pledges change every day and can exist picked up at whatsoever Enclave location.  Each pledge will challenge you to a specific dungeon.  Completing information technology, and returning to the Pledge Master, volition reward you lot with an Undaunted Central and Transmute Crystals.  You will receive 1 key and transmute stone for each normal level pledge , 1 fundamental and iii transmute stones for each veteran level pledge, and Two keys with FIVE transmute stones for veteran Hard Mode level pledges.

Undaunted Enclave, Grahtwood
Undaunted Enclave In Eldon Root, Grahtwood

Why Do I Want Undaunted Keys?

Undaunted keys are how yous acquire monster shoulder pieces.Monster sets are two-piece armor sets that are intended to complement your armor configuration.  Each veteran dungeon'southward terminal dominate volition drop a Monster headpiece.  In order to get its matching shoulder piece, you must purchase it from an Undaunted Pledge Master using Undaunted keys.  The number of keys you've earned can be viewed under your currency section.  Of course, it's not exactly that simple – you have a run a risk to purchase the needed piece.  You tin can purchase a countinghouse box (contents unknown) for 5 Undaunted keys.  The coffer box will be limited to 2 specific dungeons, just the shoulder slice contained within that box will be pure luck.   Each Pledge Master also sells a mystery coffer which includes 1 should piece from ANY of the dungeons they manage for 1 Undaunted Fundamental.

The Monster Ready Guide has a total list of all Monster sets.  The charts below detail the coffers the Undaunted Pledge Masters offer and which shoulder pieces are contained within them.

Each set name will link you to the Monster Set Guide folio information for that specific fix.

Maj's Coffers

Glirion's Coffers

All About Mechanics Dungeon Guides

Get a detailed explanation and sit-in of every mechanic, every dominate fight, every dungeon.  Trials and Arenas also!  Going into dungeons, especially if it's your first time, tin can certainly be daunting.  You can exist Undaunted because yous have assist.  This website offers a highly detailed written guide for every dungeon.  Additionally, each dungeon guide has an associated video demonstrating All About Mechanics for normal, veteran, and veteran hard mode.

Monster Set Manner Pages Available In-Game

Keep your eyes open for the Monster Artillery Packs that appear in the Crown Store.  During these releases, the Undaunted Monster manner pages for the headpiece and the shoulder are both available in-game from the specific Undaunted Pledge Master and appropriate dungeon.

Help Is Only A Click Abroad

In addition to theMechanics Guides, I likewise have a set ofBeginners Guides, information on the 10 races available in the Race Guide, and lots of information on each of the half dozen classes The Elder Scrolls Online has to offer forth with tested Build Guides on the website.  You lot can also observe even more information on YouTube,Twitch, orPatreon.  Never shy abroad from the claiming of a dungeon.  Allow me help yous ready for victory!